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Purchase of webinar recordings are non-refundable and non-transferable. Only the account where the digital content is purchased will be able to access the item.

Individual membership required for member rates to apply.

Career Development Webinar Recordings

Time Management for Interpreters
Matt Villamaino
90 minutes
CE: 1.5
Date: April 26, 2024
Webinar Recording

We all have the same amount of time each week to do what needs to be done. Learn how you can use that time more efficiently to become more productive. In addition to covering core time management fundamentals, we will also cover how to integrate the challenges of scheduling while working a public facing job with minimal administrative time.
Non-member price: $40.00
If you were a member, you'd only pay: $15.00
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Interpretation in the Gig Economy
Don Enright
60 minutes
CE: 1
Date: April 17, 2024
Webinar Recording

Many of us dream of cutting the cord from our employer and setting out on our own as a freelancer. What is freelance life like in reality? How do you get started? How do you market yourself? Join freelance interpretive planner and writer Don Enright for this interactive webinar. Bring your questions and your freelance dreams.
Non-member price: $35.00
If you were a member, you'd only pay: $10.00
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Take Your Show on the Road!
Interpretation and Over-the-Road Tours
Kristin Robinson, Elaine Rodriguez and Rebecca Jaech
90 minutes
CE: 1.5
Date: November 17, 2021
Webinar Recording

Tour Directors and Guides are interpreters who have taken their skills on the road! Like other forms of 'siteless' interpreters, they do interpretation, but often across larger areas and for longer durations. If you've ever wondered what it's like working in this corner of the industry, join this panel discussion for this webinar that will describe work in the tour operations sector, what impact comes from working for a 'for profit' employer, and what additional considerations there are for interpretive programming.
Non-member price: $40.00
If you were a member, you'd only pay: $15.00
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NAI Swag

Purchase of webinar recordings and ebooks are non-refundable and non-transferable. Only the account where the digital item is purchased will be able to access the item.

Individual membership required for member rates to apply.

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NAI is proud to use recycled packing materials when possible. Much of the materials you'll find in your box (and sometimes the box itself) have been reused from items shipped to our office or our staff members homes. 

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