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Purchase of webinar recordings are non-refundable and non-transferable. Only the account where the digital content is purchased will be able to access the item.

Individual membership required for member rates to apply.

Nature & the Environment Webinar Recordings

Picture of the product
Interpreting Birds Webinar
Nathan Taxel
60 minutes
CE: 1
Date: July 31, 2023
Webinar Recording

Interpreting birds benefits people by promoting mental wellbeing and benefits the planet by increasing pro-conservation behavior. Using the evidence-based methods prescribed by the University of Derby’s Nature Connectedness Research Group, this webinar will highlight the value of birds for interpreters and teach skills for interpreting them to diverse audiences.
Non-member price: $35.00
If you were a member, you'd only pay: $10.00
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Interpreting Climate Change or Anything
Requires that Interpreters Understand People's Worldviews
Jon Kohl
90 minutes
CE: 1.5
Date: August 16, 2022
Webinar Recording

People see only parts of climate change. Whether little or a lot depends partly on their worldview, which shapes values and reality itself. Interpreters then must understand worldviews to really know their audiences. This webinar explores strategies and themes that will greatly improve participants´ worldview understanding and their climate change interpretation.
Non-member price: $40.00
If you were a member, you'd only pay: $0.00
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Nature on Wheels: Connections on the Go!
Angela Yau
90 minutes
CE: 1.5
Date: January 25, 2022
Webinar Recording

How can you move from “build and they will come” to “meet them where they are?” Learn how to create a mobile interpretive program vehicle to connect to your community. We’ll discuss the planning, design, and implementation process along with considerations to help you succeed with your own mobile outreach.
Non-member price: $40.00
If you were a member, you'd only pay: $15.00
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Mindfulness in Nature … Online!
Brian Janson
75 minutes
CE: 1.25
Date: May 19, 2021
Webinar Recording

Do online interpretive programs leave you feeling… disconnected? Join us as we explore ways to use mindfulness techniques like journaling, drawing, and guided questioning to increase our audience’s emotional connection to our natural spaces, even during virtual programs.
Non-member price: $40.00
If you were a member, you'd only pay: $15.00
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NAI Swag

Purchase of webinar recordings and ebooks are non-refundable and non-transferable. Only the account where the digital item is purchased will be able to access the item.

Individual membership required for member rates to apply.

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