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Purchase of webinar recordings are non-refundable and non-transferable. Only the account where the digital content is purchased will be able to access the item.

Individual membership required for member rates to apply.

Cultural & Historical Interpretation Webinar Recordings

Ethical Interpretation Of History
Shawn Halifax
90 Minutes
CE: 1.5
Date: January 26, 2023
Webinar Recording

Be introduced to the pillars of ethical history interpretation. This approach to interpretation collaborates with those whose history is suppressed and misrepresented and integrates their stories into corrective narratives that reveal people holistically, while being empathetic to learners—connecting them to past, present, and future conditions, and providing frontline history workers the highest support.
Non-member price: $40.00
If you were a member, you'd only pay: $15.00
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Clearing Distorted Reflections: Sensitively Addressing Tough
Topics Through Living History

Michael "Tug" Buse
90 minutes
CE: 1.5
Date: November 15, 2022
Webinar Recording

How do we speak frankly in a living history setting about disturbing events and ideas in the past, so that these things will be understood and not be repeated, while remaining sensitive to the fact that people may be offended? Let’s discuss just that together.
Non-member price: $40.00
If you were a member, you'd only pay: $15.00
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Ugly History: Interpreting Tough Topics
Dr. Elista Istre
60 minutes
CE: 1
Date: October 14, 2021
Webinar Recording

Interpreting historical topics is not for the faint of heart! Interpreters and audiences often become uncomfortable, irritated, and even angry when certain topics are either addressed or ignored. Join us for an interactive discussion on effective methods for individuals and organizations to tackle tough topics.
Non-member price: $35.00
If you were a member, you'd only pay: $10.00
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Purchase of webinar recordings and ebooks are non-refundable and non-transferable. Only the account where the digital item is purchased will be able to access the item.

Individual membership required for member rates to apply.

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