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NAI Book Club

Book Club is a member benefit, which allows participants to share thoughts and insights on books, podcasts, or videos that are relevant to the field of interpretation. Members are encouraged to register in advance to participate in the online discussion and earn CE hours.

Our October 2024 Selection

Grass Left Standing: A Park Interpreter's Roadmap to Forest Bathing

by Maureen Stine

October 17, 2024
9:00am Pacific / 12:00pm Eastern

Grass Left Standing: A Park Interpreter’s Road Map to Forest Bathing melds the worlds of park interpretation and forest bathing to provide readers with a pathway to mindful journeys into the woods to relax, unwind, and renew.Forest bathing is a restorative sensory exploration typically practiced with a group of people gathered outside in a natural environment. The guided sequence is several hours long and combines rest and wandering, interspersed with facilitated group gatherings and solo time. The emphasis is on unplugging, slowing down, and awakening the senses.

Since 1995, Maureen (mo) Stine has been designing and implementing interpretive public programs, workshops, and professional development opportunities for colleagues, agencies, companies and nonprofit organizations. Maureen leads programs across Michigan as a 'roving park interpreter' for all audiences including historically underserved and socially disadvantaged people. Instructional ice fishing and guided forest bathing meanders are her signature programs. Maureen is a Certified Heritage Interpreter through the National Association for Interpretation, a Certified Parks and Recreation Professional through the National Recreation and Park Association, a Certified Forest Therapy Guide through the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs and was the first person in the State of Michigan to become a Certified Environmental Educator, Professional (EEC-P) with the Michigan Alliance for Environmental and Outdoor Education. Maureen is a published essayist authored her first book- a nonfiction work titled Grass Left Standing: A Park Interpreter's Road Map to Forest Bathing (Mission Point Press, Traverse City, Michigan, 2024).

Registration is capped at 50 participants.

Thus far, the book club has enjoyed these selections. Click the title to purchase on Amazon:

A Country Called Amreeka: U.S. History Retold through Arab-American Lives
Alia Malek (April 2024)

The Art of Access: A Practical Guide for Museum Accessibility
Heather Pressman (February 2024)

The Storytelling Craze
Decoder Ring Podcast (August 2023)

The Feedback Fix
Joe Hirsch (June 2023)

The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together
Heather McGhee (April 2023)

I Never Thought of It That Way: How to Have Fearlessly Curious Conversations in Dangerously Divided Times
Mónica Guzmán (February 2023)

The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters
Priya Parker (December 2022)

Why Learn History (When It's Already On Your Phone)
Sam Wineburg (September 2022)

The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative 
Florence Williams (July 2022)

Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle 
Emily Nagoski & Amelia Nagoski (April 2022)

An African American and Latinx History of the United States 
Paul Ortiz (November 2021)

When I Was Puerto Rican 
A Memoir by Esmeralda Santiago (September 2021)

An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States 
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz (June 2021)

Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teaching of Plants
Robin Wall Kimmerer (February 2021)

Black Faces, White Spaces: Reimagining the Relationship of African Americans to the Great Outdoors 
Dr. Carolyn Finney (December 2020)

The Home Place: Memoirs of a Colored Man's Love Affair with Nature
J. Drew Lanham (July 2020)

Interpreting Cultural and Natural Heritage for a Better World
Larry Beck, Ted Cable, and Doug Knudson (June 2020)*
Listen here.

Interpretive Theme Writer's Field Guide
Jon Kohl (March 2020)*
Listen here.

The Art of People: 11 Simple People Skills That will Get you Everything You Want
Dave Kerpen (October 2019)

So You Want to Talk About Race
Ijeoma Oluo (August 2019)

The Non-Designers Design Book
Robin Williams (June 2019)

Coaching Interpreters
Margaret Repath Styles (March 2019)*
Listen here.

Interpreting Difficult History
Julia Rose (January 2019)

American Canopy: Trees, Forests, and the Making of a Nation
Eric Rutkow (September 2018)

Electric Lemons: Interpretation and the Art of Writing. Judy Fort Brenneman 
By Judy Fort Brenneman (June 2018)*
Listen here.

Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us
By Seth Godin (March 2018)

Don't Be Such a Scientist
By Randy Olson (November 2017)

A Natural History of the Senses
By Diane Ackerman (September 2017)

Letting Go? Sharing Historical Authority in a User-Generated World
Edited by Bill Adair, Benjamin Filene, and Laura Koloski (June 2017)

Verbal Judo: the Gentle Art of Persuasion
by George J. Thompson, Jerry B. Jenkins (April 2017)

Authenticity: What Consumers Really Want
by Pine and Gilmore (January 2017)

The Art of Relevance
by Nina Simon (October 2016)

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking
by Susan Cain (July 2016)

The Interpreter’s Guidebook, 4th edition
by Jim Buchholz, Brenda Lackey, Michael Gross and Ron Zimmerman (April 2016)*

Feedback Revolution
by Peter McLaughlin (February 2016)

Adventures of a Nature Guide
by Enos Mills (September 2015)

The Story Factor
by Annette Simmons (June 2015)

The Thank You Economy
by Gary Vaynerchuk (April 2015)

Don’t Even Think About It: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Ignore Climate Change
by George Marshall (February 2015)

Crucial Conversations
by Kerry Patterson and Joseph Grenny (September 2014)

Interpretation: Making a Difference on Purpose
by Sam Ham (May, 2014)*
Listen here.

Jab, Jab, Jab Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World
by Gary Vaynerchuk (February 2014)

Made to Stick
by Dan and Chip Heath (December 2013)

Thriving in the New Knowledge Age
by John Falk, Ph. D (August 2013)*

Brain Rules
by John Medina (June 2013)

Meaningful Interpretation
by David Larsen (April 2013)

Telling Ain’t Training
by Harold D. Stolovitch and Erica J. Keeps (January 2013)

*Author joined group for conference call discussion
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